Track / CrossCountry Booster Club

> Girl's team off to a good start. So far, our coaches are very proud of our girl's team spirit and attitude. Team > Me.
> We planned our training this summer around injury prevention and as a result, we are a few weeks behind where we were last year.
> Be patient. Trust the plan. Our goal is to be fast WHEN IT COUNTS!
> Congrats to Haleigh, Emma, Caroline and Abbey who were most improved.
> Varsity and JV girl's should be in a dog fight for the team wins next Saturday at Pickens. Lets focus on team goals & worry about time later.
> Most of you only have 4 years in your whole life to run XC. Let's #MAKEITCOUNT this year ladies!
Please note race assignments for Pickens Preview
Also, please note training groups. You should start doing regular runs & hard workouts in these groups. Groups may change as results change